Saturday, May 24, 2003


Endless young women in tee shirts with cigarettes
tiny breast and bright face
EYES of quick challenge-YOU:
the world of forms
to her, a representation---
a body, maybe;
endless young challenges in young eyes with tee shirts

thin arms, thin hair
leafed on sunned skin
challenge the BEAST
with a billion tendrils, a
million arms and eyes
and faces
to settle her challenge
in one poor weak man
who functions...

Endless young functions in bright cigarettes
with leafy wives
clinging to the sides of
the world of illusion---
to her, a representation,
a body, maybe
endless young beasts in tiny breasts with
a thousand hairy tendrils
and eyes
and faces.

and if not with
this precision
the form is
as probable---the
many of the endless young girls
will slide from
insolence to certainty
settle perhaps forever holding
fashions of tee shirts
before eyes
and representations
of faces, maybe.


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